Fianco meridionale del padiglione ex uffici oggi sede della Fondazione Mario Tobino (foto Paolo Bertoncini Sabatini, 2011)
The Portal stems from an agreement among the General Head Office for Archives and a net of Italian Universities. The aim is to disseminate the results of a research project, which has been funded by MIUR within the PRIN 2008 program. This is focused on the architectural heritage of former Italian mental asylums and offers the resulting information to a wide public of scholars in a number of disciplinary fields, but also to public and private bodies, which are interested in their preservation and enhancement.
The Portal Places for madness gathers the results of the research project Mental Asylums in Italy from Nineteenth to Twentieth Century. Atlas of the architectural heritage in view of its knowledge and enhancement in the frame of the National Archival System (SAN), which has been funded by MIUR within the PRIN 2008 program and developed by scholars of the Second University of Naples (leading research unit), of the Polytechnics of Turin and Milan and of the Universities of Pisa, Camerino and Palermo.
Coordinatore del programma di ricerca:
prof. Cettina Lenza SUN
Responsabili delle unità di ricerca
prof. Cesare Ajroldi UNIPA
prof. Maria Antonietta Crippa POLIMI
prof. Laura Antonietta Guardamagna POLITO
prof. Cettina Lenza SUN
proff. Maria Luisa Neri e Gerardo Doti UNICAM
Fianco meridionale del padiglione ex uffici oggi sede della Fondazione Mario Tobino (foto Paolo Bertoncini Sabatini, 2011)
Veduta a volo di uccello della chiesa e del convento della Madonna dell’Arco (da La Madonna dell’Arco in Sant’Anastasia di Napoli: il Progetto, tesi di laurea, relatore: Mario Dell’Acqua,
Antonio Cipolla, planimetria di una porzione di edificio destinata a “succidi e epilettici”, Roma giugno 1872, scala 1:100 (Biblioteca Comunale di Imola, Archivio Storico Comunale, Archivio Ospedal
Theme by Raniero Carloni Luca Montecchiari and Andrea Orlando inspired by Danetsoft